Since 1976, Directorate
Internalization of Values and Cultural Diplomacy Ministry of Culture has tried
to record cultures both immovable and movable heritages. As a result that there
are 67,273 cultures heritage are recorded. This number includes 11,627
immovable cultural heritage, 53,538 movable cultural, and 2,108 instead of
object heritage. There are still so many cultures heritages are not recorded.
From thousand cultures
heritage in Indonesia, there is only one that originally Jakarta culture
heritage, that is ondel – ondel tradition. Ondel – ondel is originally culture
heritage from betawi. Ondel –ondel is also betawi people exhibition that often
show in many events such as harvest party, welcoming guest, and also any others
formal events. Ondel – ondel is a giant mannequin which high can reach of about
2,5 meters with its width about 3 feet.
In ondel – ondel
tradition, there is also song that to be a special characteristic in showing
ondel –ondel which is introduced by Benjamin Sueib. The lyrics of that song as
follow ““Nyok kite nonton
ondel-ondel, nyok kite ngarak ondel-ondel. Ondel-ondel ade anaknye anaknye
nandak gel-igelan”. Itulah sepenggal lirik lagu “ Ondel-Ondel” yang terkenal
dan sangat identik dengan keberadaan masyarakat Betawi”.
Although betawi culture
especially ondel – ondel tradition has been popular, influence globalization
can push extinct this betawi culture. The coming culture from foreign country
to Indonesia also become cause extinct ondel – ondel tradition. Recently, Indonesian
would rather like culture from foreign country than its own country. In this
case, it can influence existence of ondel – ondel tradition that in the past became
the pride of betawi people. The fondness of Indonesian to the culture of
foreign culture cause Indonesian would rather attract to learn culture of
foreign country than their own cultures. This course increasingly influence for
regeneration of Indonesia culture especially betawi culture. Recently, there
are so many teenagers learn culture from other countries such as Japan, South
Korea, Europe, and even USA. There are no teenagers and even children cannot
get about their own cultures.
In relationship to
education, based on law of education in Indonesia suggests that the objective
of national education is formula associated with quality of Indonesian man must
be developed by every unit education. Therefore, the formula objective of
national education become a fundamental in developing education culture and
national character.
The existence of
Sanggar Ondel – ondel for school is one of facilities for studying betawi
culture for students. Students can study about ondel – ondel tradition and
betawi culture. On the other hands, students can also study not only in the
class but also direct visit to Sanggar Ondel – ondel. Students can be studied
by teacher in the school and also from guide in Sanggar Ondel – ondel.
Society through the public
figure and community organizations can preserve betawi culture. Sanggar Ondel –
ondel can provide all related to ondel – ondel tradition and betawi culture.
Almost extinction of Betawi culture cause difficult to look for a place for
learning betawi culture especially ondel – ondel tradition. With Sanggar Ondel
– ondel, Sanggar Ondel – ondel can be the place for learning ondel – ondel
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